Forensic Services at Pauquette Center

Forensic Services at Pauquette Center are overseen by Dr. Valerie Gonsalves. Dr. Gonsalves received her PhD in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Forensic
Psychology in 2010. Dr. Gonsalves completed her Postdoctoral Residency at Fulton State Hospital.

She worked as a Treatment Provider at Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center for about five years. During this time, she developed a treatment program for individuals with significant treatment interfering factors and oversaw implementation of a full fidelity DBT program.

Dr. Gonsalves then worked as the Psychology Manager for the Division of Community Corrections. In this role, she assisted with the implementation of evidence-based practices to treat justice-involved individuals. Dr. Gonsalves had been a Board member of the Wisconsin ATSA chapter since 2012. In 2019, Dr. Gonsalves was honored as an ATSA Fellow.

Throughout her career, Dr. Gonsalves has specialized in working with individuals with disrupted personality characteristics with an emphasis on those who engage in problematic sexual behavior.

Pauquette Center offers assessment, treatment, training, and consultation to justice involved individuals and those working with this population.

Examples of Assessment and Treatment Areas:

  • Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations
  • Mental Status at the time of offense Evaluations
  • Parental Capacity Evaluations
  • Problematic Sexual Behaviors (adults and children)
  • Anger Management (individual or group)
  • Substance Use
  • Disrupted Personality Characteristics resulting in criminal behavior
  • Domestic Violence


Some services can be billed to commercial insurance and some services cannot be. Pauquette Center does not bill commercial insurance for youth sex offender treatment or domestic violence.

Other services are determined on a case by base basis.

Training and Consultation:

It is our experience that training is best implemented in combination with ongoing consultation. As such, we recommend that everyone start by having staff attend: Overview of Best Practice in Forensic Psychology (Risk Needs Responsivity Model).

It is highly recommended that if possible, organizations consider in-person delivery of this initial training to foster staff engagement.

Training and consultation needs can be individualized to the person or agency.

These can include:

  • Overview of Sex Offender Treatment and ongoing consultation on implementation
  • Overview of Sex Offender Treatment with Youth and ongoing consultation and implementation
  • Overview of Treatment for Individuals convicted of Child Sexual Exploitation Material offenses (child pornography) and ongoing
  • Consultation and implementation

  • Consultation regarding non-offending, deviant sexual interests

Sign Up

If you are interested is setting up a training or a consultation please fill out the form below: