Compassionate professionals ready to serve your psychological needs.
The Pauquette Center for Psychological Services offers a range of state-licensed mental health services to meet every need, including psychotherapy, AODA Treatment/Services, domestic violence and anger management treatment, group therapy, and more.
Forensic Services at Pauquette Center
Pauquette Center offers assessment, treatment, training, and consultation to justice involved individuals and those working with this population.
The Pauquette Center provides individual psychotherapy for all age groups – children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. We also provide psychotherapy for families and couples.
Psychotherapy for the Hearing Impaired
The Pauquette Center is pleased to be able to offer psychotherapy and addiction recovery services to hearing impaired individuals and their families.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be particularly effective in facilitating treatment progress simply because of the natural dynamics that occur when individuals work together in therapy.
Domestic Violence/Anger Management Treatment Services
The Pauquette Center provides both assessment and treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence and individuals with anger problems.
Alcohol Abuse Treatment and Substance Abuse Treatment Services
The Pauquette Center offers a variety of alcohol abuse treatment and substance abuse treatment (drug addiction) services. All of our clinicians who provide AODA (Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse) services are licensed to treat both AODA and mental health issues.
Parenting Support
Parenting can be challenging, no matter how much you love your child/children. That is why Pauquette believes that it is important to provide parenting support. Parents are asked to attend an intake session to provide information regarding the mental health concern of the child/adolescent.
Psychological Assessment and Testing
Psychological Assessments are conducted by a Licensed Psychologist. Psychological assessment and testing also often thought of as a mental health test typically begins with a clinical interview to clarify the “presenting issue” and to gather background information, such as: the family history; medical and psychiatric information; substance use; and education and employment information.
Compassionate professionals ready to serve your psychological needs.
The Pauquette Center for Psychological Services offers a range of state-licensed mental health services to meet every need, including psychotherapy, AODA Treatment/Services, domestic violence and anger management treatment, group therapy, and more.
Forensic Services at Pauquette Center
Pauquette Center offers assessment, treatment, training, and consultation to justice involved individuals and those working with this population.
The Pauquette Center provides individual psychotherapy for all age groups – children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. We also provide psychotherapy for families and couples.
Psychotherapy for the Hearing Impaired
The Pauquette Center is pleased to be able to offer psychotherapy and addiction recovery services to hearing impaired individuals and their families.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be particularly effective in facilitating treatment progress simply because of the natural dynamics that occur when individuals work together in therapy.
Domestic Violence/Anger Management Treatment Services
The Pauquette Center provides both assessment and treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence and individuals with anger problems.
Alcohol Abuse Treatment and Substance Abuse Treatment Services
The Pauquette Center offers a variety of alcohol abuse treatment and substance abuse treatment (drug addiction) services. All of our clinicians who provide AODA (Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse) services are licensed to treat both AODA and mental health issues.
Parenting Support
Parenting can be challenging, no matter how much you love your child/children. That is why Pauquette believes that it is important to provide parenting support. Parents are asked to attend an intake session to provide information regarding the mental health concern of the child/adolescent.
Psychological Assessment and Testing
Psychological Assessments are conducted by a Licensed Psychologist. Psychological assessment and testing also often thought of as a mental health test typically begins with a clinical interview to clarify the “presenting issue” and to gather background information, such as: the family history; medical and psychiatric information; substance use; and education and employment information.