Psychological Assessment and Testing

Psychological Assessments are conducted by a Licensed Psychologist. We specialize in comprehensive psychological testing & evaluation for children, teenagers, and adults. Assessments are often performed for diagnostic clarification for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), mood or behavioral disorders, or other cognitive or personality differences.

Please note, ASD testing is available for those 25 and under. Individuals above the age of 25 should discuss with their Pauquette Center therapist to determine if testing would be appropriate. We do not offer ASD testing for individuals above the age of 25 not enrolled in psychotherapy.

We conduct a comprehensive assessment of skills in the following areas:

  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Competency to Stand Trial
  • Guardianship
  • Intellectual/Cognitive Functioning
  • Personality
  • Parenting
  • NGI
  • VA assessments
  • And much, much more!

What To Expect:

Due to high demand, the waitlist for testing is between three to six months.

Testing involves:

  • Record Review – the more the better! By reviewing records (past mental health, school, testing, etc.) we begin to develop a detailed overview of our client’s life
  • Clinical Interview – we will take the time to learn about you or your child’s current level of functioning and make sure we get a comprehensive psychosocial history
  • Testing – Depending on the number of tests administered, this process can take several hours or be administered over several appointments. Your clinician will work with you to know what to expect.

In order for insurances to reimburse providers for Psychological Testing, the testing must be Medically Necessary.

Medical Necessity is defined as “a service which, in the opinion of the primary service provider, is needed to prevent the worsening of a condition, to establish a diagnosis and/or to assist the covered individual to achieve maximum functional capacity.”

As such, we request that providers complete the referral form.

Please reach out to Angy at (608) 742-5518 ext. 7122 or email at with any questions.