mental health professionals, Psychologist, therapist Whitewater WI

Jill D. Baures, Psy. D.

Education, Credentials & Professional Affiliations

  • 2019, Wisconsin Licensed Psychologist
  • 2015, Psy. D., Adler University, Chicago, IL
  • 2010, B.S. – Psychology & Sociology, Viterbo University – La Crosse, WI

Specialty Services

Some of my specialties include working with individuals with a personality disorder, trauma, providing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and working with families of those who have a severe mental illness. Along with providing therapeutic services I provide assessment services to help individuals gain a better understanding of their struggles. I use an integrative approach in my care by developing the treatment based on what the client needs. I believe that everyone has their own story and my goal is to help each client understand their story and to create a life worth living.

Area of Interests

  • Individual Psychotherapy with Adults, Adolescents and Children
  • Psychotherapy with Couples and Families
  • Providing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Psychological Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Testing
  • Mood disorders
  • Trauma/Abuse
  • Personality disorders

Sees clients 6 years old +

For a list of accepted insurance, please contact any of our locations. 

  • Self-harm
  • Suicidal behaviors
  • Severe mental illness
  • Relationship struggles
  • Family and parenting concerns
  • Adolescent and child behavior concerns
  • Psychological evaluations

Pauquette Center Madison WI

Pauquette Center Whitewater

2702 International Lane, Suite 102 – Madison, WI 53190

Phone: (262) 473-0670